Our Story

Our Story

Have you ever experienced the excitement of a new adventure or perhaps embraced the anticipation and thrill of embarking on a new journey? If so read on…

For the past twenty two years, we have lived at the foot of the Brendon Hills, the gateway to Exmoor, having renovated our small, once derelict, cottage in the country overlooking the Vale of Taunton to the east. We have two teenage children, two dogs, (both Border Collies), a rescued black and white cat called ‘Bruce’, three cockerels (also rescued) and five ducks!

Over the past several months we have been producing craft items on request primarily for our friends but our journey didn’t really start here.

Several years ago Ian felt inspired to share his Christian faith through the creation of art and craft and after a number of attempts at trying different methods to express this, he finally came across the laser cutter which seemed the ideal tool. We wanted to make sure that we were on the right track before ‘stepping out’ to make our next move; so we began to pray for confirmation. This came several months later through a bible reading which spoke about ‘fulfilling purpose’ and ‘being focused with laser vision to your goal’; this was the affirmation we needed and shortly afterwards we took that leap of faith and purchased the cutter.

Our inspiration comes from scripture, which we believe brings life and hope; through conversations with friends over dinner and from spending many hours walking our two dogs in the countryside simply enjoying the beauty of nature and creation.

We want to celebrate this through visual art and craft and are both excited about where our journey will lead. The question is….. Will you join us on this journey?
